Abattoir Fermé &Compagnie Cecilia
OUTSIDE, it rains crucifixes, the ground is radioactive, the seven seas burn and legions of mole-men make the continent unsafe at night. INSIDE, a select number of people find themselves in The Bunker, where His Royal Highness Beire Pap rules with a sceptre made of ham on the bone.
Ten long years has passed for this cross-section of the population to imagine a utopia that everyone in the world can relate to. When the doors swing open, the earth will once again belong to humans to do things differently this time, from the beginning.
Abattoir Fermé and Compagnie Cecilia join forces for a turbulent, baroque spectacle performance on location, about creative spirit, good intentions, bad people and (concrete) rot. About the construction of an apartment building. About the walls, the floors, the architect, the contractor and the foundations. About the trunk moving into the flats, about a toad becoming king, about fly meat and tasty juice and about that when evening comes you best bring a jacket because it gets cold so fast. Brrrr.
With no less than 15 actors on stage, Genesis will be a unique fusion of the families of actors from Compagnie Cecilia and Abattoir Fermé. An unmissable theatrical happening on location! This monumental performance lasts three hours.
Enkel te zien op locatie in Mechelen (Leopoldstraat 42) en Gentbrugge (Arsenaalsite). De voorstelling in Mechelen begint telkens om 20u, in Gent telkens om 19u.


text & direction: Stef Lernous • cast: Bart Hollanders, Ali Can Ünal, Titus De Voogdt, Steve Geerts, Patricia Kargbo, Kirsten Pieters, Lucie Plasschaert, Hanne Timmermans, Chiel van Berkel, Tine Van den Wyngaert, Tania Van der Sanden, Dominique Van Malder, Lina Ghys, Tom Vermeir, Loena Ottou • composition: Dijf Sanders en Linde Carrijn • live-music: Linde Carrijn en Viktor De Greef • scenography: Sven van Kuijk • production coordination: Laura Aernoudt, Tom Declercq • direction assistance: Maja Westerveld, Mats E. • production assistance: Marie Dejonghe, Sanne De Wever, Jules Jordens • dramaturgy: Daan Borloo • costumes: Nikè Moens • costume assistance: Silke Debandt • technics: Thomas Vermaercke, Tobias Uyttendaele, Aaron Bruyninckx, An De Hondt, Saul Mombaerts e.a. • production: Perpodium, Abattoir Fermé / kunstencentrum nona & Compagnie Cecilia • with the support of: the tax shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government via Cronos Invest, the Flemish Government • coproduction: Mechelen Feest / Construct Europe • with the support of Nationale Loterij, Van Dievel Transport,