Julie Morel &Annik Leroy
La force diagonale portrays a number of people the filmmakers Annik Leroy and Julie Morel invited to a conversation that began with the word “fault line.” The portraits testify to a rupture in their existence, to their attempts to live with it and sometimes to the possibility of transformation. A forced or voluntary exile, a withdrawal from the world or the eruption of a traumatic event lead to unique life trajectories.
Initially, the film weaves subtle connections between successive stories, revealing the traces of external conflicts on different individuals. Next, the filmmakers devote a chapter to Hannah Arendt. For her, the interconnectedness of life and thought is rooted in her confrontation with Nazism as a Jewish woman, and in her forced exile to the US. From her early analysis of totalitarianism to her reflection on what she calls “the human condition,” in her political thinking Arendt centers the human capacity for beginning, the capacity to introduce something new into the world and share it with others. La force diagonale attempts to make this aspect of humanity—always threatened and yet not to be ignored—palpable.
Premiere on 9.09 at 5pm with English subtitles.
Regular screenings: 10.09 / 13-17.09 at 2pm (access with C0N10UR pass) with Dutch subtitles. With the C0N10UR pass , you also have access to all other regular screenings during the biennial, up to and including Effi & Amir's By the Throat on 5 November.

La force diagonale
Annik Leroy & Julie Morel
2023, 16mm transferred to video, 145’, b&w, Dutch, French, German, Dutch, English & Bosnian spoken
Performance & choreography Claire Vivianne Sobottke • With Mehtiba Dževlan, Merima Kadrić, Roger Rousseau, Franz-Peter Van Boxelaer & Ruben Diwantessa • Camera Annik Leroy & Els van Riel • Sound Julie Morel & Laszlo Umbreit • Image editing Annik Leroy & Julie Morel • Sound supervising & mixing Laszlo Umbreit • Sound mixing Rémi Gerard at Empire Digital • Color grading Audrick Mercier at Charbon Studio • Translations & subtitles DesAirs productions, Boris Belay, Vladimir Pavlović, Milena Marić & Melanie Munt • With the voices of Claudia von Alemann, Louise Imme Bode, Lucy Grauman, Barbara Schild & Hannah Arendt • Production Cobra Films & Auguste Orts • Coproduction Centre de l’Audiovisuel à Bruxelles • With the support of Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds, Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Gwärtler Stiftung, kunstencentrum nona in the context of C0N10UR, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Atelier Graphoui, Transcultures – Pépinières Européennes de Création, FRArt (Fonds de la Recherche en Art – FNRS), Brouillon d’un rêve documentaire Scam*, On & For Production and Distribution, Nationale Loterij, Wallonie Bruxelles International